The same method can also be used with Classic Shell, giving you 'This PC' (which you can also rename as 'Computer' if you like), 'Network Connections' and 'Network & Sharing Center'. Then click on any one of the N & SC icons (probably the '?14' one).

Go down the list of all DLL files that has been found.(You can only add 'C:\Windows\System32', but not 'C:\Windows\System32\netcenter.dll' but don't worry!) Go to where the 'netcenter.dll' file will be stored, i.e.To change the icon to the Network & Sharing Center icon, click on the '+' button.In 'Target', put '%USERPROFILE%\Control Panel Links\Network & Sharing Center.lnk' (also without quotes).Put 'Network & Sharing Center' (without the quotes) in the 'Name' box.Once you are satisfied that you have the question mark icon where you want it to be, right-click on the question mark icon and then left-click on 'Icon Settings.Recycling bin Trash Rubbish Bins & Waste Paper Baskets Computer Icons, window, furniture, computer png. Move the question mark icon to where you want it to be. RocketDock Computer Icons Portable application, Ico Rocket Dock, metal, rocket Dock png.The new blank icon then appears as a question mark. Add new icon to the RocketDock dock by right-clicking on the dock and left-clicking on 'Add Item' then 'Blank Icon'.Rename 'Network and Sharing Center - Shortcut' as 'Network & Sharing Center'.The shortcut will be called 'Network and Sharing Center - Shortcut' in 'Users\Steve\Control Panel Links'.

Cut the Network & Sharing Center shortcut icon that was created on the desktop in 2 above and paste it in 'Users\Steve\Control Panel Links'.Create a new folder called 'Control Panel Links', i.e.

if your name is Steve, go to 'Users\Steve'.